Power BI vs. Tableau

January 28, 2022


Data analytics has become the backbone of modern businesses. But with so many data visualization tools in the market, choosing the right one can be tricky. Two of the most popular data analytics tools are Power BI and Tableau. In this blog post, we will provide a factual and unbiased comparison of Power BI vs. Tableau, including numbers when possible to help you make an informed decision.

What are Power BI and Tableau?

Power BI is a data visualization and business intelligence tool by Microsoft that enables users to extract insights from multiple data sources. Power BI provides a 360-degree view of business operations through interactive dashboards and reports.

Tableau is a business intelligence and data visualization tool that allows users to create interactive dashboards and reports through drag-and-drop functionalities. Tableau integrates with multiple databases and data sources to extract insights.

Comparison between Power BI and Tableau


One of the most significant factors businesses consider while selecting data visualization tools is pricing.

Power BI offers a free version called Power BI desktop that includes most of the basic features. However, the professional version offers more advanced features, such as collaboration and sharing, that businesses may require. Power BI offers two paid versions - Power BI Pro and Power BI Premium, starting at $9.99/user/month and $20,000 capacity + $4,995/user/year, respectively.

Tableau, on the other hand, offers three versions of its tool - Tableau Public (free), Tableau Creator ($70/user/month), and Tableau Explorer ($35/user/month). The Tableau Server is priced at $800 per user, and Tableau Online costs $36/user/month, a lower-priced alternative to Tableau Server.

User-Interface and User Experience

Power BI and Tableau have very different user interfaces. Power BI's interface is more user-friendly and customizable, making it a better choice for new users. Tableau, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve and may require more training to navigate.

Tableau provides more advanced data analytics capabilities, such as predictive analytics and geospatial data analytics, making it a better choice for companies that require more in-depth data analysis.


Power BI integrates well with Microsoft Excel, SharePoint, and other Microsoft tools, making it an excellent choice for companies that use Microsoft products. Tableau integrates with a wide range of third-party software, enabling it to interact with almost all data sources.


Power BI is known for its faster load times and more efficient data processing. Tableau may struggle to process large volumes of data, leading to longer load times.

Community Support

Both Power BI and Tableau have extensive user communities that offer support, forums, and free resources. However, Tableau's community is larger and more robust, with a broader range of resources, making it a better choice for users looking for more support.


Power BI and Tableau are two of the most popular data analytics tools in the market. Choosing one can be challenging, as both have their pros and cons. In terms of pricing, Power BI offers a free version, while Tableau's free version comes with significant feature restrictions. Power BI has a more user-friendly interface, while Tableau offers more advanced analytics capabilities.

When it comes to performance, Power BI has faster load times, while Tableau struggles with large volumes of data. If you are a Microsoft shop, Power BI would be the best choice for you, while if you work with third-party software, Tableau may be a better choice.

In conclusion, both Power BI and Tableau are excellent data visualization tools, and selecting the right one depends on a company's needs, budget, and preferred user experience.


  1. "Power BI vs. Tableau Comparison". ERP Analytics. Retrieved 28 January 2022, from: https://erpanalytics.com/power-bi-vs-tableau-comparison/
  2. "Tableau vs Power BI: Comparing pricing and functionality". IBM. Retrieved 28 January 2022, from: https://www.ibm.com/cloud/blog/tableau-vs-power-bi-pricing-and-functionality-how-to-choose-the-right-data-analytics-and-visualization-tool
  3. "Power BI vs. Tableau: Which One's Right For You?". DataRobot. Retrieved 28 January 2022, from: https://www.datarobot.com/wiki/power-bi-vs-tableau/

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